Hotels & Restaurants
There are numerous hotels you can stay at while testing at JBPG. It is advised that you choose a hotel in either the Titusville, FL, Cocoa Beach, FL or Merritt Island, FL area to stay at during your test. Below is our recommended hotel but there are others to suit almost any need.
Holiday Inn - Titusville FL.
The Holiday Inn in Titusville, FL. is the choice hotel for JBPG. Located approximately 20 min from the Kennedy Space Center, this hotel also features an indoor restaurant serving breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as a full bar. Mention the "Johnny Bohmer Proving Grounds" and receive a special discounted rate.
Visit their site here
In addition to numerous fast food options, we have listed a few of our recommended restaurants below that are located near the Kennedy Space Center.
Playalinda Brewing - Brix Project